
Chrissy Teigen Is on a Mission to End the Stigma Around Postpartum Depression

by Bethany Braun-Silva

Chrissy Teigen Is on a Mission to End the Stigma Around Postpartum Depression
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Did you know that nine out of 10 moms feel like they aren’t doing a good job when it comes to motherhood? That news comes courtesy of Pampers, which recently did a survey that uncovered those shocking results.


The diaper brand recently launched a new campaign, Share the Love, to encourage mothers to see themselves just as their kids see them: perfect. The brand enlisted Chrissy Teigen to help #sharethelove and spread the word about how moms can start to take some of the pressures off of themselves and enjoy the time raising their kids.


“You’re always trying to be the best you can be,” Teigen tells Parenting. “There’s nothing more important as a parent than raising good children, and since children are going to make the world a better place, it’s a lot of pressure to put on yourself.” 


Another thing that’s tough for Teigen, she revealed, has been getting daughter Luna, 3, to try new foods. Parents know all too well the struggle of raising picky eaters, and even Teigen, who is an amazing chef and cookbook author, is not immune to this battle.


“She’s discovering her taste buds right now,” Teigen says through chuckles. “Trying to figure out that food pyramid for Luna and trying to get her to enjoy food and understand the nutritional value of it and where it comes from is very big for us. That’s the hardest part of our days right now,” she says. Teigen has documented her picky-eating battle with her daughter on social media and even went so far as to create a laminated menu for Luna. (Mom goals!)



In fact, Teigen is crushing the motherhood game in more ways than one. She’s an advocate for reducing the stigma around postpartum depression and has been since she revealed her own struggle with it after the birth of Luna in 2016. “I think that there’s no rhyme or reason to having it, and I feel like if you think you have it you probably do,” she exclaimed.


“It took other people around me to tell me that I had it and, once it was mentioned out loud, it was such an obvious thing,” she says. Teigen credits husband, John Legend, for encouraging her to get help.


“It took my loving husband to bring me into the doctor, and he knew that the doctor would say that I had it,” she revealed. “So I think a lot of the battle is just recognizing that it’s out there, which is why I love saying the words. I love saying the words ‘postpartum depression.’ It shouldn’t be such a daunting, scary thing to say. The more you hear it, the more normalized it sounds, and that’s important.”


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Ultimately, Teigen hopes moms can stop being so hard on themselves and start to #sharethelove “You have to realize that there are so many different ways to raise kids, and it’s OK to not have that perfect child or do it in the perfect way,” she says. “They need a few things in life: They need love and affection and attention and care. That’s all it takes to make them good people.”


If you’re struggling with postpartum or know someone who is, getting help from a doctor is always the best bet. We’ve also included several great books on the topic that could help, below.

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This Isn't What I Expected: Overcoming Postpartum Depression


This book provides practical self-help tips that can be used alone, in a group or with a therapist. It helps moms deal with things like negative thoughts, break the cycle of shame and offers various ways to get help.

2 of 4 Image Credits: Amazon

Postpartum Happiness: What to Do When You Love the Kids, but Hate the Job


This book, first and foremost, reassures moms that whatever they are feeling is OK. It offers validation for your feelings and provides readers with the relief they need to start feeling better.

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Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts: A Healing Guide to the Secret Fears of New Mothers


Even if you don't struggle with PPD, there's a good chance you've had at least one or two scary thoughts about becoming a parent. This book is filled with practical tips, lighthearted cartoons and down to earth advice.

4 of 4 Image Credits: Amazon

The Pregnancy and Postpartum Anxiety Workbook


This is so much more than a book, providing moms with worksheets to actively work through their scary or sad thoughts in real time. It specifically focuses on helping mothers with feelings of anxiety, worry and panic.