
Amazon Shoppers Love These Weighted Sippy Cups More Than the Leading (More Expensive) Brand

by Bethany Braun-Silva

Amazon Shoppers Love These Weighted Sippy Cups More Than the Leading (More Expensive) Brand

The Mama Bear Weighted Sippy Cups are an affordable, parent-loved option!


As babies transition to toddlers, the list of things they need changes, and many parents feel like they are back at square one in the shopping department. Toddler beds replace cribs, training pants replace diapers, and sippy cups replace bottles. In fact, choosing the right sippy cup is an important part of transitioning out of the baby stage.


Sippy cups can help babies wean off bottles, but choosing the right one can be daunting. Luckily, there are great sippy cups on the market that are ergonomically correct, and help babies mouths, teeth, and tongues develop properly. Sippy cups aren’t expensive, in general, but trust us when we say you’ll be going through a ton in the toddler and preschool years and the cost can really add up. 


That’s why we love the Mama Bear Weighted Straw Sippy Cup. Not only are they affordable (under $9 for a pack of two), but they have so many great features that are essential in finding the perfect cup for a growing toddler. 


First off, it comes with removable handles. Younger toddlers will benefit from this feature as they can easily hold the cup themselves. It also has a soft silicone straw and a detachable lid, that’s perfect for keeping the straw portion clean. 


Parents will love that the sippy cups are easy to clean. The tube and weight are detachable and the straw can be removed from the spout and placed in the dishwasher for a thorough clean. There are no hidden cracks or crevices for mold to grow! And they don’t leak, even when turned upside down, shoppers report. 


mama bear weighted sippy cups in green and blue

To buy! Mama Bear Weighted Straw Sippy Cup, $8.99;


Plus, parents on Amazon also love the cups because they do the same job as the more expensive cups just like it. 


“I really like these cups,” wrote one shopper. “I bought them as a replacement for the Munchkin weighted straw cups, and I’m glad I did. They are great quality, easy to clean, and more affordable.”


Shoppers report that the Mama Bear Weighted Straw Sippy Cup hit all the right marks when it comes to the perfect choice for toddlers. “I was looking for a relatively leak-proof, but easy-to-drink-from straw sippy cup with the weighted bottom so it could be used at any angle, writes another shopper. “This one fits the bill, quite literally, as it checks off every box, and they are affordable!” 


Shop the sippy cup on Amazon now.


RELATED: Best Sippy Cups of 2020