
9 Best Bug Sprays for Kids and Families

by Bethany Braun-Silva

9 Best Bug Sprays for Kids and Families
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Bug bites aren’t just annoying. They can also be potentially dangerous, especially those from ticks and mosquitos, as those bugs can carry several different diseases. So in addition to protecting their kids’ skin from the sun this summer, parents should also be shielding them from pesky bug bites.


Of course, parents also want to be equally careful about what they use to prevent bug bites — some formulas contain chemicals that can be harmful to kids. So, where to start? First, note that bug sprays of any kind are not recommended for babies under 2 months old, so keep them covered when outside or invest in a mosquito net that goes over the stroller or car seat. If your child is old enough, find a bug spray that is registered with the Environmental Protection Agency, which means it’s been tested and deemed safe for use, especially on children. You can search for specific bug sprays via the EPA’s search tool.


What to consider when buying bug spray for kids


While the EPA is one great resource, Dr. Ari Brown, founder of 411 Pediatrics in Austin, Texas, recommends following the Centers for Disease Control’s directives for bug sprays and active ingredients that protect against West Nile Virus. She also broke down the most effective and common ingredients found in bug sprays:


  • DEET: Products containing DEET are very effective, and the percentage of DEET indicates the duration of time it is protective. The downside is you can only apply it once a day, so you have to decide how long you want or need protection, and you need to bathe and rinse off the product at the end of the day. DEET gets a bad rap because it is a neurotoxin, but if it’s appropriately applied and not reapplied throughout the day, the potential risk is minimized.
  • Oil of lemon eucalyptus: Oil of lemon eucalyptus is effective and can be reapplied, but it is not approved for children under age 3.
  • Picaridin: Picaridin-based products can also be reapplied. Just keep it out of the eyes because it is a synthetic product and can be irritating!


Dr. Brown also advises that “anything that claims to be natural and safe [but] lacks these ingredients is also lacking something else — effectiveness!”


Finally, it’s essential to follow the directions for use on any bug spray you apply to your kids, and be sure to reapply if you’re outside for extended amounts of time. 


Below, check out our list of the best bug sprays for kids. 


1 of 9 Image Credits: Walgreens

Off! FamilyCare Insect Repellent II


This bug spray is made with picaridin, and you can safely apply it onto clothing and skin. When using it on children, it's best to apply it yourself.

2 of 9 Image Credits: Target

Badger Anti-Bug Shake & Spray


This all-natural bug spray contains citronella and comes in a handy non-aerosol spray bottle for convenient re-application.

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Avon SSS Bug Guard Plus Expedition Pump Spray


This DEET-free bug spray does double duty as an SPF 30 sunscreen and is water-resistant for up to 80 minutes.

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Wondercide Natural Deet-Free Mosquito and Insect Repellent Spray for Kids


This bug spray comes in three different scents: cedarwood, rosemary, and lemongrass. It’s best for repelling fleas and ticks.

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Mosquito Guard Kids Repellent Bands/Bracelets


These bracelets are perfect for younger kids or those who hate the idea of getting sprayed with anything. They can be worn on the wrist or ankle to provide hours of protection from mosquitoes.

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California Baby Plant-Based Natural Bug Repellant Spray


This all-natural bug repellent can be applied to kids' skin or clothes. It contains essential oils like citronella, lemongrass, and cedar, and it can be reapplied as often as you like.

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Off! Deep Woods Off!Insect Repellent Towelettes


These towels are great to pack for camping trips or hikes and provide long-lasting protection from ticks, mosquitoes, flies, gnats, and chiggers. It's made with 25 percent DEET, so it should be washed off after use.

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Murphy's Naturals Lemon Eucalyptus Oil Insect Repellent


"Smells great, isn't greasy, and I was able to wear it all night and didn't get any bites!" one reviewer of this bug spray wrote. The lemon scent is suitable for kids as it doesn't smell like chemicals.

9 of 9 Image Credits: Amazon

Sawyer Products 20% Picaridin Insect Repellent


This bug spray is especially effective against mosquitoes that carry the Zika virus. It's fragrance-free and lasts up to 12 hours.